Thursday, September 6, 2018

Q1 Sales Down at B&N As Losses Rise - Publishers Weekly

Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when he heard crying and weeping outside the Panzermobile. Following all the noise took our compassionate kitty boy to the Publishers Weekly site. There with no digging at all he found a post about Barnes and Noble's first quarter sales.

There must be a way to turn sales around.
According to the post by Jim Milliot, in a conference call Chairman Len Riggio said Barnes and Noble's first quarter sales figures were down 6.9 percent compared to last year. The sales figures included books, Nooks and general retail sales. While the online book order and sales system got off to bad start, the problems appear to be fixed. Sales revenues were actually down lower, however, part of the decline was offset by expense reductions. The company still plans to open and/or move four stores in the coming quarter. Chairman Len Riggio also addressed the Demos Parneros lawsuit against the company. Contrary to the assertions in the lawsuit, Chairman Riggio said former CEO Parneros was fired for sexual harassment and bullying. There is a lot of information covered in the post.

Panzer says, "Hmm ... The new online book (paperback or hardback) ordering system should help increase sales. You can order a copy of a paperback online and then pick it up at your nearest Barnes and Noble store. This little kitty looked and saw you can even order Cat Wisdom for humans there."

Note: This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and a muffin for today's reading selection.

To read the post tootle over to Barnes and Noble

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