Friday, March 31, 2023

Free: The BookFest Online Conference

Panzer says, Water! Run Away!
Water! Run Away!
The BookFest online conference starts tomorrow (Saturday) and ends Sunday night.

Saturday is "Readers' Day" and Sunday is "Writers' Day" although both days have panels either would find interesting.

The link below will take you to the panels page where you can read about each speaker and the subject of their panel. You can also register for the conference on the page too.
Sorry about the short notice for the conference, but that broken water pipe we told you about yesterday is causing all kinds of trouble.
Panzer says, "Mom can't get a plumber to fix the leak until Tuesday, so we have no water. That means we're off to a motel."
To read the schedule tootle over to Panels Spring 2023

Thursday, March 30, 2023

No Post

Panzer says, Sleep on something high off the floor.
Sleep on something high off the floor.

No post today.

Mom has a problem with a broken water pipe.

Back tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

87 Calls for Submissions in April 2023 - Paying Markets - Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

Panzer made a quick trip to the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity. There he found a post for writers looking for places to submit their work.
Panzer says, Something for everyone.
Something for everyone.
Erica Verrillo's post lists 87 markets that are open for submissions. There are markets for fiction, nonfiction and poetry. These are all paying markets.
Panzer says, "Always read the submission guidelines."
Note: This is a long post. You will need to decide what to bring to eat and drink while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Submissions

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Do You Know What Day It Is?

National Respect Your Cat Day

Every day is National Respect Your Cat Day.

51 Writing Contests in April 2023 - No Entry Fee - Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

What have you got to submit?
Today, Panzer made a trip to the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity site. There he found a post about writing contests in April.
The post by Erica Verrillo lists 51 writing contests with submission deadlines in April. There are contests for fiction, nonfiction, poetry and plays. All are free to enter.
Panzer says, "Always read the submission guidelines for any restrictions."
Note: Because the post lists 51 contests it's very long. You'll need to decide what to bring to eat and drink today.
To read the post tootle over to Writing Contests

Monday, March 27, 2023

In a Swift Decision, Judge Eviscerates Internet Archive's ... - Publishers Weekly

Today, Panzer made a trip to the Publishers Weekly site. With no digging at all in the posts he found one about the Internet Archive court case.
According to Andrew Albanese, the copyright infringement lawsuit against the Internet Archive has been decided. In a summary judgement Judge John G. Koell found the Internet Archive had committed copyright infringement. The Internet Archive has already said it will appeal the decision. The post explains the judge's reasoning for his decision. Also included in the post are links to other information about the court case.
Will it go to the Supreme Court?.
Panzer says, "So, it's not really over yet because the Internet Archive will keep appealing."
Note:This is a very, very long post. Bring a thermos of cocoa, two muffins, two chocolate brownies, and two chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) for today's reading selection.
To read the post tootle over to Internet Archive

Your Monday Panzerism

 Panzer on the male ego:

Mom told me it's that time of year again ...

When male cats are supposed to fight other cats ...
To show the girl cats what brave boys they are.

Well ...

Hey! They're tougher than they look.*
Losing fights this week ...

To ...

Susie, Missy and Miss Fluff-Fluff
Has not improved my status with them one iota.

*From Cat Wisdom for human

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle: I know it's in here somewhere.

Here's your Sunday jigsaw puzzle.

As always remember at the puzzle site to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.

Have fun!
To do today's jigsaw puzzle tootle over to I know it's in here somewhere.

Saturday, March 25, 2023

Free Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine blog post: Out of One, Many - by Mike McHone

Panzer says, My work is finished for the day.
My work is finished for the day.
Earlier today, Panzer posted an Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine's Fiction Podcast episode for you.
Now, for those of you who would rather read about mystery than hear it, here's a blog post from the Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine's Something Is Going To Happen blog.
In the post crime writer Mike McHone explains his writing process for the creation of the main character in his short story in the March/April issue of the magazine.
To read the blog post tootle over to Mike Mchone 

Free Mystery Podcast: Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine's Podcast - Kimchi Kitty

This is a busy day.

Today, Panzer went to the Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine's Podcast site to find an episode for your listening enjoyment.
The podcast episode, "Kimchi Kitty," written by Martin Limon, is 1 hour + long including the intro.

As always, the episode is free for your listening.
To listen to the podcast episode tootle over to Kimchi Kitty

Friday, March 24, 2023

Quillbot vs. WordAI: A Comparison of Article Rewriting Tools - DiggiNet

Today Panzer made a trip to the DiggiNet site. There with some digging in the posts he found one about two AI article rewriting tools.
Panzer says, You should admit you didn't write it.
You should admit you didn't write it.
In her post Anita Nipane compares the features of Quillbot and WordAI. Both have you paste your article(s) into  the input box, but from there they go in different directions. Quillbot is for smaller jobs and will change sentences and phrases, check grammar and check for plagiarism, and several other features, but not all are available in the free version. WordAI is for larger jobs and will accept bulk article uploads, change sentences and paragraphs, and make the articles "more human," but there is no free version. Basically, you need to decide how much of your original article you want to retain and how much you want the AI to rewrite it. The post is an in depth look at both AI tools and includes instructions for using both.
Panzer says, "Interesting."
Note: This is a long post. Bring a thermos of cocoa, a muffin, a brownie, and two chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) for today's reading.
To read the post tootle over to Quillbot vs Wordai

Thursday, March 23, 2023

No post

Panzer says, She's still really tired too.
She's still really tired too.
Panzer here.
No post today.

Mom is still catching up on work she didn't get finished when she was sick with Covid.
We'll be back tomorrow..

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

At Hearing, Judge Appears Skeptical of Internet Archive's ... - Publishers Weekly

Today's trip into the Catosphere took Panzer to the Publishers Weekly site. There with hardly any digging at all he found a post about the copyright infringement court case against the Internet Archive.
Panzer says, Whoever loses will appeal.
Whoever loses will appeal.
According to the post by Andrew Albanese, through the questions asked by the judge overseeing the case, he doesn't accept the Internet Archive's (IA) defense as credible. IA's attorneys are basing the defense on the fact IA calls itself a library and as such it can scan and make digital copies of any book it "owns." IA then allows readers worldwide to "borrow" and read those copies. Since neither authors nor publishers are paid for the books and they're copied without permission, the publishers and authors' court case accuses IA of copyright infringement. There's a link at the end of the post to previous posts about the court case.
Panzer says, "How can you take people's  stuff and use it without their permission and then say that's okay?"

Note: This is a long post. Bring a cup of cocoa and a muffin for today's reading selection.
To read the post tootle over to Internet Archive Court Case

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Update from CEO Andy Jassy on Amazon's operating plan and additional role eliminations - Company News

 Today, Panzer made a trip to Amazon's news release site. There our intrepid kitty traveler found a post by Amazon CEO Andy Jassy.

According to the post, Amazon will be doing 9,000 role eliminations in April. This is in addition to the 18,000 role eliminations announced in January. Amazon is striving to become a leaner company in these uncertain economic times.

It's not a role playing game. They're people.
Panzer says, "This little kitty wants to know why you say role eliminations. Just say you're laying off another 9,000 employees in addition to the 18,000 employees you laid off in January."

Note: This is a short post. Bring a cup of tea for today's reading selection.

To read the post tootle over to CEO Andy Jassy

Monday, March 20, 2023

A Monday Panzerism

 Panzer on Spring Love:

It's Spring time. When a boy kitty's thoughts turn to girl kitties.

There I was last night, sitting on the back fence ...

Singing that I was looking for love.

Then I saw her ...

an answer to my kitty serenade.

The most beautiful girl kitty ...

Long shiny gorgeous calico fur ...

unbelievably cute ears.

I asked her for a date.

She looked at me with those golden eyes ...

then shook her head.

I asked for her phone number so I could call her.

Panzer says, She'll me back. Girls can't resist me.
She'll be back. Girls can't resist me.
She gave it to me with no hesitation.

But ...

when I called it today, some guy answered and said, "Animal Control Service, Cat Neutering Division."

Darn claws. I must have dialed wrong.

*From Cat Wisdom for humans

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Free Mystery Podcast: Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's Fiction Podcast - Shame the Devil

Panzer says, For your Sunday entertainment.
For your Sunday entertainment.
Today, Panzer found a podcast episode at the Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine's Fiction Podcast site.

The podcast episode, "Shame the Devil," written by Joseph Goodrich is narrated by the author. The episode is 22 minutes long including the intro.

As always the episode is free for your listening.

To listen to the podcast tootle over to Shame the Devil

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle: Everything looks funny

Here's your Sunday jigsaw puzzle.

As always, remember at the puzzle site to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.

Have fun!

To do the jigsaw puzzle tootle over to Everything looks funny

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Free Mystery Podcast: Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine's Podcast - Peril in Pasadena

Panzer says, A mystery podcast is second.
A mystery podcast is second.
Earlier today Panzer took you to YouTube for a romance audiobook. Now, he's taking you to Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine's Podcast.

The podcast episode, "Peril in Pasadena," by Edith Maxwell is narrated by the author. The episode is 35 minutes long including the intro.

As always the episode is free for your listening.


To listen to the podcast tootle over to Peril in Pasadena

Free Romance Audiobook on YouTube: Marriage Pact

Panzer says, A romance audiobook first.
A romance audiobook first.
Today Panzer has a free romance audiobook for your listening pleasure.
The audiobook is Mariage Pact (Sweet Valley Romance Book 2) written by Cami Checketts and narrated by her son Denver Checketts. The audiobook is 3+ hours long.
As with all the audiobooks we list here, it's free on the author's channel on YouTube.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Marriage Pact

Thursday, March 16, 2023

9 New Agents Seeking Cookbooks, Kidlit, Nonfiction, ... - Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

Today's trip into the Catosphere took Panzer to the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity site. With no digging at all in the posts he found one about nine agents looking for clients to represent.

According to Erica Verrilla's post, the agents are looking for cookbooks, genre fiction, nonfiction, kidlit, YA, and more.

Panzer says, Always be professional.
Always be professional.
Panzer says, "Always read the submission guidelines before sending material."

Note: This is a medium length post. Since you will be choosing which agent(s) to query, you'll need to decide what to bring to eat and drink today.

To read the post tootle over to 9 new agents

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Free March Issue of The Big Thrill - International Thriller Writers

Today, Panzer discovered the March issue of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) The Big Thrill is online.

Panzer says, Be careful. Don't get lost.
Be careful.
On the landing page you can scroll down to find the different articles, author interviews and book reviews. You can also click the links in the right sidebar to go to individual selections. 

Panzer says, "Be careful what you click. You don't want to get lost."
Note: Since this is the whole March issue, you'll need to decide what to bring to eat and drink for your reading selections.
To read the post tootle over to The Big Thrill 

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Draft2Digital Opens D2D Print to All Authors - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, Short and to the point.
Short and to the point.
Today Panzer found a short press release from Draft2Digital at the Publishers Weekly site.
According to the press release, Draft2Digital has taken their D2D print on demand service out of beta. It's now available for all authors to use the service to convert their ebooks to print on demand books.

Note: This is a short press release. You won't need to bring anything to eat or drink while you read the release.

To read the post tootle over to Draft2Digital

Monday, March 13, 2023

A Monday Panzerism

 Panzer on cat philosophy:

And ... the food dish.*

A journey of a thousand miles ...

begins ...

with a single trip to the litter box.

* From Cat Wisdom for humans

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle: Kittens in a Basket

Here's your Sunday jigsaw puzzle.

As always remember at the puzzle site to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.

Have fum!

To do the jigsaw puzzle tootle over to Kittens in a Basket

Return from Covid to the Land of the Living

He never missed a nap the whole time.

Mom here.

Although it will take me a while to get back up to full working speed, it appears I'll survive my introduction to Covid.
Slowly but surely Cats and Crime will get back to normal.
