If this is your first visit here, welcome to Panzer's Cat House.
I write mystery short stories and novels. Many of my short stories chronicle the adventures of Panzer, the cat, and P.I. Lori Stockley and these are included in Cats and Crime. Panzer's dispensations of knowledge are quoted in Cat Wisdom for humans. I also have a collection of essays about my writing adventures and a how Panzer joined me in those adventures in Laugh Don't Cry, Life Is A Joke.
I'm an avid quilter, jewelry maker and cat herder. I'm married to the Pirate and our wedding anniversary is April 1 (April Fool's Day). We live in Washington state.
I started writing in the second grade with a story about my horse named Booger. Yes, that really was his name and the teacher and my classmates couldn't stop laughing when I read it to the class. I was hooked on the joy of laughter and writing from then on.
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Meet Lori Stockley, the mail order P.I.,
and the irascible black cat Panzer. Follow
these two as they catch drug dealers,
burglars, and carpet snakes.
Copyright by Fiona L. Woods
Cover Artwork by Jennifer Barnhouse

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Ever wonder what a cat thinks about
you? What he does when you're not
home? What his goals for you are?
This book contains the answers to
these questions and many more.
Copyright by Fiona L. Woods
Cover Artwork by Jennifer Barnhouse

Available Now at Smashwords
In this book you can read about my
adventures in writing. You'll learn how
Panzer joined my journey. What happened
when What's His Name applied for
membership in our club. And some of
the little side-trips I've traveled to get
Copyright by Fiona L. Woods
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