Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Why Kobo didn't focus only on the U.S., home turf of Amazon - The Globe And Mail

Today's trip into the Catosphere took Panzer to The Globe And Mail site. It didn't take any digging at all for our kitty boy to find a post about ebook and ereader company Rakuten Kobo Inc.'s marketing strategies.

Really smart thinking for humans.
David Israelson says in his post that Michael Tamblyn, President and CEO, attributes Kobo's success to the decision to go global. Early in Kobo's existence the company didn't concentrate on the United States ebook and ereader market for the simple reason Amazon, Apple, Google, and Barnes and Noble were staking their territory there. So while the others were fighting over U.S. digital supremacy, Kobo decided to do global distribution instead. In doing so, the company has grown to number three in the ebook ereader market behind Amazon and Apple. The post includes several interesting facts about Kobo's history.

Panzer says, "Hmm ... Smart move to go where nobody else was so they were the first ones there."

Note: This is a h-u-g-e post. Bring a thermos of tea and a dozen muffins and six chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) for today's reading selection.

To read the post, tootle over to Kobo

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