Thursday, June 27, 2019

Amazon Says It is Not a 'Lawless' Retail Platform As Charged by 'NYT' - Publishers Weekly

Today Panzer decided to make a quick stop at the Publishers Weekly site. With a little digging in the posts our curious kitty boy found one about Amazon.
This is a forever fight.

According to a staff written post at the Publishers Weekly site, in response to a New York Times article Amazon is vehemently denying the company doesn't seriously pursue counterfeit books. In the rebuttal Amazon says the company has spent $400 million toward stopping the practice. Authors counter it takes Amazon too long to respond to the counterfeit books problem when it's discovered, if the company ever does. There's a link included in the post to The New York Times post about Amazon and a link to Amazon's blog post in response to The New York Times post.

Panzer says, "What's a counterfeit book? Somebody steals an author's book, puts a different name and cover on it and sells it.  By the time Amazon does anything about it, the author has lost hundreds (or maybe thousands) of dollars in book sales."

Note: This is a short-medium post. Bring a cup of tea and half a muffin for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links in the Publishers Weekly post, bring a gallon of tea and a dozen muffins.

To read the post tootle over to Amazon

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