Panzer had hardly entered the Catosphere when the Panzermobile was shaken by all the booing and yelling and hissing outside. It didn't take any effort to follow all the chaos and angst to the
Publishers Weekly site. There our brave kitty pilot found a post about the latest news in the Macmillan library embargo. Panzer has been telling you about the embargo for several weeks now because our kitty boy is big supporter of libraries.
Just boycott all his books. |
According to the post by Andrew Albanese, on November 4 Macmillan CEO John Sargent had a meeting with Chief Officers of State Library Agencies representatives after the library embargo went into effect. CEO Sargent told the assembled librarians the company will not stop the embargo. He continues to stand behind his claim libraries are responsible for the company's sales losses. The embargo prohibits libraries from purchasing more than one copy of Macmillan's ebooks until two months after the book's publication date. The number of libraries joining a boycott of Macmillan ebooks started by the King Country Library System in Washington state is growing and is said to be in the "dozens" of libraries now. It should be noted, however, that some of the libraries boycotting the ebooks are instead purchasing more hardcover editions. Instead of punishing Macmillan for the embargo, purchasing more hardcovers rewards the company. There are nine links to other information about the embargo included in the post.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... You can't buy our ebooks, but we'll sell you all the hardcover books you want to buy. That pile of stinky stuff just keeps getting higher."
Note: This is a h-u-m-o-n-g-o-u-s post. Bring a gallon of tea and a dozen muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow all the links in the post, bring two gallons of tea, three dozen muffins and a dozen chocolate chip cookies (biscuits). You should also bring a portable cooking stove to make your dinner.
To read the post tootle over to
Macmillan CEO
To read Panzer's post from two days ago, tootle over to
Macmillan library embargo
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