Today when Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere, he found a post at TeleRead about Google's new app sales fees.
Will Amazon play nice in Google's sandbox?
The post at
TeleRead by Chris Meadows, says Google just announced they will be charging fees to app developers. Google's announcement says all apps sold in the Google Play app store which sell digital goods in the apps will be required to pay 30 percent of the money they earn to Google. To ensure Google knows how much an app makes from the in-app sales, developers are "required to use Google Play's billing system." The post also discusses the Amazon, Nook and Kobo ebook apps available in the Google Play store. There are several links in this post, including one about Fortnite being removed from the Google app store.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... This little kitty wonders who can afford to give Google 30 percent of their sales money."
Note: This is a long post. Bring a thermos of tea and six muffins for your reading experience today.
To read the post tootle over to
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