Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Lawyers Argue that E-book Price-Fixing Case Against Amazon, Big Five Publishers Should Proceed - Publishers Weekly

Today, Panzer found something floating in his water dish in the Panzermobile.  Pulling it out, he discovered it was a post about the price-fixing case involving Amazon and the Big 5 publishers. Panzer has been telling you about this court case since it started.
Panzer says, I don't understand any of it. Do you?
I don't understand any of it. Do you?
According to the post by Andrew Albanese, lawyers for the plaintiffs suing Amazon and the Big 5 publishers for price-fixing have filed a rebuttal to Amazon's and the Big 5's motion to dismiss the case. The plaintiffs' lawyers' submitted a 56 page filing alleging Amazon's contract wording is the basis for their case. The lawyers say the contract contains the same wording as the price-fixing case they (the lawyers) won against Apple and the publishers a few years ago.
Panzer says, "The whole case is giving this little kitty a headache."
Note: This is a long post. Bring a huge cup of tea and two muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links in the post, bring a thermos of tea, six muffins, three brownies, three chocolate chip cookies (biscuits), and a blanket for a nap in the middle.
To read the post tootle over to Ebook Price-fixing Case
To read Panzer's previous post about the case tootle over to Publishers and Amazon 

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