Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Why Cheap Promo is No Bargain: One Unusually Prolific Example - Writer Beware (R)

Panzer says, Investigate before you give somebody your money.
Investigate before you give somebody your money.
Today, Panzer stopped in at the Writer Beware (R) site. With a little digging in the posts he found one about cheap promotion sites for books.
Writer Beware (R) site owner Victoria Strausss begins the post by showing how a book promo site is sending letters supposedly from a well known writer about what a great promo site it is for writers. The post then digs into who owns the promo site (and a multitude of others) and what happens once they get your money.
Panzer says, "The end of the post has a checklist of things to do before you give your money to any promotion site."
Note: Because Victoria Strauss goes into details about all of her investigations into the promo site, this is a very long post. You'll need to decide what you want to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Writer Beware (R)

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