Sunday, March 11, 2012

J.A. Konrath, Barry Eisler and Scott Turow. Oh my!

Over at J.A. Konrath's blog he and Barry Eidler have joined the goings on about Scott Turow's recent blog posting. You've probably heard or read about the DoJ's threat to sue traditional publishers over their agency pricing model. Scott Turow's post pushed Joe and Barry's hot buttons. To read their opinions on the post go to A Newbie's Guide to Publishing then make up your own mind. This is a very long post, so you've been warned.

You know what Panzer says:  more purring and less hissing, guys!

    1 comment:

    1. Your Panzer must be a sweetie. My Dallas, Marley, Barney, and KinkyKat all hissed at Turow big time...but then they are partial to Konrath, Eisler and at least this month they Luuuv the DoJ.

