Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when he heard a bunch of ooohing and aaahing. Our brave kitty pilot followed the sound to the
Smashword blog. There he discovered Smashwords founder Mark Coker had posted the results of the 2015 Smashwords Survey.
Interesting. |
In the post Mr. Coker discusses the results of the sales figures from all the ebook platforms Smashwords distributes to and the conclusions that can be drawn from them. There's a Slide Share presentation included to demonstrate the results. Below the slide show is a compilation of ten things learned from the survey. They include the fact pre-order books are more successful than non pre-order, series that use a free ebook as a lead-in are more successful, free is still a good avenue to readers, longer books sell better than shorter ones, and five more useful facts for authors are included from the sales data.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... I wish I knew all this before I published
Cat Wisdom for humans. I would have done some things differently."
Note: You'll need two cups of tea and two muffins to read the post and view the slides.
To read the post, tootle over to
Smashwords: 2015 Smashwords Survey Reveals Insights to Help Au...:
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