Panzer's trip into the Catosphere today took him to the
Publishers' Weekly site. There our big bad kitty found a post about Barnes and Noble and their concept stores.
Hmm ... Who's next to go? |
According to the post by Jim Milliot, the head of the development and restaurant group Jaime Carey is leaving Barnes and Noble. Mr. Carey has been with the company since January 2005. He will remain with Barnes and Noble until the end of February 2017. The company plans to continue opening their new concept stores with the dining and alcohol-serving restaurants.
Panzer says, "Barnes and Noble didn't terminate (fire) Mr. Carey. He resigned when they took away all of his job duties."
Note: This is a shortish medium post. Bring a cup of tea for today's reading selection.
To read the post, tootle over to
Barnes and Noble.html
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