Friday, January 13, 2017

Seattle's New Favorite Place to Drink: In the Bookstore - The Stranger

Chicken and tacos. Good idea.
Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when he stopped in at The Stranger site. This was our traveling kitty's first visit to the site so it took a little digging to find something for today's post. Finally, he found an interesting post about bookstores and restaurants. For several months Panzer has been telling you about Barnes and Noble CEO Len Riggio's plans for his new concept stores with their inside restaurants.

According to the post by Naomi Tomky, Barnes and Noble's new concept stores aren't the only ones serving food and alcohol in the bookstores. It turns out non Barnes and Noble affiliated bookstores in Seattle, Washington, have had restaurants with alcohol for a decade. In some you can order fried chicken or tacos with your alcoholic drinks before you go look for a new book.

Panzer says, "Hmm ... Okay ... lots of people in Seattle like to go to bookstores to eat and drink. ... So ... Why even bother to sell books there?"

Note: This is a l-o-n-g post.  Bring a cup of tea and three muffins.

To read the post, tootle over to alcohol in bookstores

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