Saturday, July 20, 2019

Amazon Literary Prize Finalists To Be Considered for Prime Video - Publishing Perspectives

Panzer was washing the windows of the Panzermobile, when he found a wadded up post stuck in the door frame. Flattening it out our fastidious kitty boy discovered it was a post about Amazon's Prime Video and the UK Kindle Storyteller Prize from the Publishing Perspectives site.

It's very confusing.
According to Porter Anderson, Amazon has added a bonus for the finalists in the UK Kindle Storyteller competition for self-published in English authors and Amazon's other five global (other languages than English) literary prize group competitions. In addition to the Kindle Storyteller winner (and the other winners in the global group) all finalists will also be considered for an audiovisual production contract with Amazon Studios and an additional advance payment. The post brings out some of the confusing points in the competition's rules and terms. Since parts of the terms are stringent and limiting, the post stresses it's important to read everything before making a decision.

Panzer says, "Here's your chance for an audiovisual deal."

Note: This is a h-u-g-e post. Bring a thermos of tea and four muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links in the post, bring a thermos of tea and a dozen muffins.

To read the post tootle over to Amazon

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