Today as Panzer was taking his afternoon nap, he was shaken from his kitty bed by yelling and cheering coming from the Catosphere. Following all the hubbub took our kitty boy to the
Smashwords Blog. There with no digging at all he found a post about Smashwords new presales software feature.
That's interesting news. |
According to the post, Smashwords has added a new feature for authors to offer their readers. Readers who purchase through the presales feature have immediate access to the ebook they just bought and this is before general purchasers have access to the ebook. This is also different than a pre-order which is a sale before the book is available to anyone. The post is divided into five sections covering how presales work, why authors should participate in the presales program, an explanation of the patent pending software, information about the licensing of the software to other retailers. and a short wrap up about the future. By far the largest section is the one explaining the new patent pending software.
Panzer says, "MeWOW! This looks like a major step forward for Smashwords!"
Note: This is a h-u-m-o-n-g-o-u-s post. Bring a half gallon of tea and a half gallon of cocoa and six muffins and six sugar cookies (biscuits) for today's reading selection.
To read the post tootle over to
Smashwords presales
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