Wednesday, June 12, 2024

BookNet Canada: Free sources for Reading Surpass Paid - Publishing Perspectives

Panzer says, Why ask? Free of course.
Why ask? Free of course.
At the Publishing Perspectives site Panzer found a post about Canadian readers' preferences for obtaining reading material.

Porter Anderson's post includes information from BookNet Canada's report about the almost 1500 readers questioned about obtaining their reading materials. No matter which format, ebook,  audiobook, or print, all users reported getting at least some of their materials for free.The post includes charts and graphs to illustrate the readers answers.

Panzer says, "Let's see: Free or paid. Which would you choose?"

Note: This is a long post. Bring a cup of tea and a muffin for today's snack while you read.

To read the post tootle over to BookNet Canada

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