Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Barnes & Noble Buys Denver'sTattered Cover Bookstores for $1.83 Million - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, I got a headache just reading it.
I got a headache just reading it.
Today at the Publishers Weekly site Panzer found news that Barnes and Noble has purchased the Tattered Cover bookstore chain. He told you a few days ago this was rumored to be happening.
According to the post by Ed Nawotka and Jim Milliot, through a rabbit warren of companies Barnes and Noble will be paying $1.83 Million for the four bookstore chain. Most of the current employees will be kept on.
Panzer says, "You'll need to read the post to see all the companies involved in the sale. Tie a piece of string to the title so you can find your back through all the different companies."
Note: This is a very long post. Bring a cup of tea, a muffin and a chocolate chip cookie (biscuit) to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Barnes and Noble
 To read our previous post about the sale tootle over to Top Bidder for Tattered Cover 

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