Wednesday, August 14, 2024

A Grim Fate Befalls Horror Publisher DarkLit Press - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, Finished reporting for the day.
Finished reporting for the day.
On his way back from Writer Beware (R) Panzer made a stop at the Publishers Weekly site. There he stumbled into a post about the mess at Canada's DarkLit Press.
In case you haven't read about DarkLit online yet, Nathalie op de Beeck's post gives an indepth look at what has led to the death of the publisher.
Panzer says, "It's an interesting story that makes no sense to this little kitty."
Note: This is a very long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Horror Publisher DarkLit Press

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