Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Washington State Supreme Court Rules on Amazon Pandemic Price-Gouging - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, This post is about as long as the news brief.
This post is about as long as the news brief.
Panzer found a short news brief at the Publishers Weekly site.

As the headline says the Washington State Supreme Court has ruled the class action lawsuit against Amazon for price-gouging meets the criteria under the state's Consumer Protection Act.

Panzer says, "There's a link to a much longer announcement about the court's decision and the lawsuit included in the news brief post."

Note: The news brief is short and you won't need anything to snack on while you read it. If you plan to follow the included link to the longer information post, you'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read there.

To read the post tootle over to Amazon

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