Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Cassandra Dee and Mosaic Book Stuffing - David Gaughran

Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when the Panzermobile was buffeted by shouting and gnashing of teeth. Following all the angry noises took our brave kitty pilot to David Gaughran's blog. There with no digging at all he discovered a post about book stuffing.

Why isn't Amazon looking at her books?
According to the post by site owner David Gaughran, book stuffing is alive and thriving on Kindle Unlimited (KU). Book stuffing in case you haven't seen or heard of it is when an author stuffs a bunch of material/books into another book to increase the page count to 2,000 or so pages. Then, the author includes an inducement to get the reader to flip to the last page of the ebook. Both of these are against Amazon's Terms of Service. This is because one of the ways authors in KU are paid is by the number of pages read in the book. These authors' books have so many other books stuffed into them that the authors are robbing Amazon's KU fund and the honest authors who don't book stuff. Apparently, Chance Carter, one of the book stuffers, got caught by Amazon and his account shut down, but there are a myriad of others still working in KU. The Cassandra Dee of the post title is one of them and Mr. Gaughran gives a breakdown of how she does the book stuffing. There are links at the beginning of the post to other information about book stuffing.

Panzer says, "Be sure to read the Comment section too. You'll read how to report these book stuffers."

Note: This is a h-u-m-o-n-g-o-u-s post. Bring a thermos of tea, a dozen chocolate chip cookies (biscuits), and two muffins.

To read the post tootle over to book stuffing

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