Saturday, June 16, 2018

Mike McCormack wins 100,000 International Dublin literary award with one-sentence novel - The Guardian

Today, while Panzer was cleaning out the Panzermobile he found a post rolled up under the passenger seat. Smoothing it out flat, our fastidious kitty discovered it was a post from The Guardian site about the International Dublin Literary Award.

According to the post by Sian Cain, Irish author Mike McCormack won this year's International Dublin Literary Award. Each year librarians around the world submit their nominations to a group of Irish author-judges. From these submissions the judges choose one book to award the prize to. This year's winner is Solar Bones a one sentence novel. The one sentence is over 200+ pages long. It turns out the novel is about a ghost and author McCormack decided a ghost wouldn't have time for stopping for periods at the end of sentences; therefore, only one sentence.

I really need a nap after reading that.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... One sentence long? Over 200+ pages? Glad I'm not reading it aloud."

Note:This is a long-medium length post. Bring a cup of tea, a muffin and a sugar cookie (biscuit) for today's reading selection.

To read the post tootle over to International Dublin Literary Award

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