Saturday, June 23, 2018

Court Shakes Up Tax Landscape for Online Sales - Publishers Weekly (Pw)

Panzer was sweeping out the Panzermobile today when he noticed something under his pilot seat. Pulling it out our fastidious kitty boy discovered it was a wadded up post. Flattening it out he found it was from the Publishers Weekly site. Reading it over he saw it was about the United States Supreme Court decision about online sales taxes.

According to the post by Ed Nawota, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a new online sales tax decision. The new decision overturns a 1992 decision and allows states to collect sales taxes on all online purchases to the residents of their state. This does mean the states who don't already have online tax collection laws will have to pass them. However, some states have already put the tax collection laws into effect and have been collecting them. Included in the post are several links to other sites for more information.

Cleaning is a lot of work.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... Oh no! This will raise the price on everything Mom buys online for this little kitty."

Note: This is a long length post. Bring a cup of tea and two muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links in the post for more information, bring another cup of tea and three more muffins.

To read the Publishers Weekly post tootle over to United States Supreme Court


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