Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Bibles, Kids' Books Win Tariff Reprieve - Publishers Weekly

Panzer was shaken from his kitty bed by yelling and shouting coming from the Catosphere. Dragging himself into the Panzermobile, our poor tired kitty followed all the noise to the Publishers Weekly site. With no digging at all he discovered a post about U.S. President Trump's tariffs on China.

According to the post by Jim Milliot, President Trump has postponed until December 15 the implementation of his Chinese import tariffs on Bibles, children's picture books and coloring books, sneakers/shoes, phones and other important Christmas gifts. The proposed tariffs on Trump's other specified Chinese imports will still go into effect on September 1. The September 1 imports include paperback and hardback books, dictionaries, and other materials printed in China for U.S. publishers and imported for sale in the U.S. There are several links to information about Trump's tariffs included in the post.

Now for a much need nap.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... Even this little kitty knows some U.S. publishers have their books printed in China and then shipped to the U.S. for sale here."

Note: This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and a muffin for today's reading. If you plan to follow the links, bring a thermos of tea and six muffins.

To read the post tootle over to tariff reprieve

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