Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Bibliotheca Calls Out Amazon for Meddling in the Library E-Book Market - Publishers Weekly

Today Panzer made a trip to the Publishers Weekly site. There with a little digging in the posts our adventuresome kitty pilot found a post about Amazon's perceived influence on libraries.

Mom and I like libraries.
According to the Publishers Weekly post by Andrew Albanese, Bibliotheca SVP of Digital Products Tom Mercer is blaming Amazon for publisher Macmillan's recent embargo on libraries and other publishers' changes to library terms. Panzer told you about the embargo earlier this month. Tom Mercer says Amazon has access to the company's customers' library usage information and is giving that information to publishers and authors.  He believes Amazon collected the library usage information through vendors such as OverDrive. OverDrive offers online library patrons the ability to read their checked-out ebooks using the OverDrive Libby app or patrons can choose the Kindle app. He wants libraries to pressure OverDrive to stop allowing patrons to use the Kindle app. There are links in the post to a copy of Tom Mercer's letter to librarians and to other information about Amazon.

Panzer says, "This little kitty knows Mom uses the Libby app for library ebooks."

Note: This is a h-u-m-u-n-g-o-u-s post. Bring a gallon of lemonade and a dozen muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links in the post, bring another gallon of lemonade and a dozen muffins.

To read the post tootle over to Amazon

To read Panzer's earlier post about Macmillan's embargo tootle over to Macmillan

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