Wednesday, August 21, 2019

George R.R. Martin: the end fo Game of Thrones on TV was a liberation - The Guardian

A little hint would be appreciated.
Today Panzer decided to make a stop at The Guardian site. With a little digging in the posts our inquisitive kitty found one about George R.R. Martin.

According to the post by Sarah Hughes and Nosheen Iqba, now that the TV series Game of Thrones is finished George R.R. Martin is able to return to work on the fantasy novels the series was based on. Since he's 70 years old, there's been some speculation he may not be able to finish the remaining two novels. Although a lot of fans didn't like the end of the series, Mr. Martin said that will have no impact on how he writes the end of his books. The post is a condensed version of a much longer interview with the author. There's a link included in the post to the full interview.

Panzer says, "This little kitty does wonder if the end of the book series will be the same as the TV series."

Note: This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and a muffin for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the link to the full interview, bring a gallon of tea and one dozen muffins.

To read the post tootle over to George R.R. Martin

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