Panzer was just tootling along minding his own kitty business when he heard clapping and cheering outside the Panzermobile. Following all the jocularity took our inquisitive kitty boy to the
Sante Fe New Mexican site. There he discovered a post about the sale of a railroad spur line to three New Mexico residents.
Trains are really noisy. |
According to the post by Robert Nott, the Santa Fe Southern Railroad has been purchased (in alphabetic order) by Bill Banowsky, George R.R. Martin (yes, the
Game of Thrones author) and Catherine Oppenheimer. The 18 mile long spur line runs from Sante Fe, New Mexico to Lamy, New Mexico. The trio hope to have a holiday train trip, a speak-easy bar and other entertaining train excursions. They also hope to interest movie makers into using the train for location shoots.
Panzer says, "Some humans never outgrow playing with trains."
Note: This is a long post. Bring a cup of tea and two muffins for today's reading selection.
To read the post tootle over to
Santa Fe Southern Railroad
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