Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Contract Critique: Dashtoon - Writer Beware (R)

Panzer says, I get a headache and have to lay down when I get confused.
I get a headache and have to lay down when I get confused.
Today, Panzer made a trip to the Writer Beware (R) site. There with just a tiny bit of digging in the posts our traveling kitty pilot found one about Dashtoons.

According to Victoria Strauss' post, Dashtoon is a company which contracts for the rights to materials to sell on their platform. The material may be any type of written works or already prepared web comics. In the post she does an examination of the company's two contracts: the exclusive contract and the non-exclusive contact.
 Panzer says, "You'll need to read the post yourself. The contracts are too confusing for this little kitty to explain correctly them to you."
Note: This is a long post. Bring a cup of tea and three chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) to snack on.
To read the post tootle over to Contract Critique Dashtoon

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