Thursday, May 23, 2024

V. V. Ganeshananthan Wins the $150,000 Carol Shields Prize - Publishing Perspectives

Panzer says, I wonder how many were on the long list.
I wonder how many were on the long list.
Panzer was taking his afternoon nap when he was shaken from his kitty bed by clapping and cheering coming from the Catosphere. Hopping in the Panzermobile, he followed all the noise to the Publishing Perspectives site. There he discovered the announcement of the winner of the Carol Shields Prize for Fiction.
Porter Anderson's post says V. V. Ganeshananthan's novel, Brotherless Night, won the $150,000 prize. The novel was chosen from a short list of five novels by the five jurors. The novel short list and the jurors list are included in the post.

Panzer says, "MeWOW! $150,000 would buy a lot of kitty treats."

Note: This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and a chocolate chip cookie (biscuit) for your snack.

To read the post tootle over to Carol Shields Prize

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