Wednesday, July 3, 2024

93 Calls for Submissions in July 2024 - Paying markets - Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

Panzer says, I'm dreaming of tomorrow's barbeque.
I'm dreaming of tomorrow's barbeque.
Panzer made a quick stop at the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity site today. There he found a list of sites looking for writing submissions.
Erica Verrillo's post lists 93 sites looking for submissions of fiction, flash fiction, short stories, novellas, nonfiction, essays, poetry, art work, and in all genres. Some do have restrictions so be sure to read the submission guidelines.
Panzer says, "Sorry this is late. Been busy getting ready for tomorrow's Independence Day (USA) festivities."
Note:With 93 calls for submissions listed this is a very long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to  July Calls for Submissions:.

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