Thursday, July 11, 2024

Customer Traffic Improving at Books-A-Million, Half Price Books - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, I do have air conditioning in here.
I do have air conditioning in here.
Panzer made a stop at the Publishers Weekly site today. There he found a post about consumers returning to bookstores.
According to Jim Milliot's post, bookstores are seeing an increase in consumer traffic. The post has charts for Books-A-Million, Half Price Books and Barnes and Noble bookstores showing the consumer traffic increases. There's also a link to a previous post about Barnes and Noble's consumer increase.
Panzer says, "This little kitty thinks it good to know humans still go to bookstores."
Note:This is a short-medium length post. Bring a glass of cold lemonade for today's reading selection.
To read the post tootle over to Customer Traffic

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