Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Facing Author Lawsuits, Shawline Publishing Re-Brands as New Found Books - Writer Beware (R)

Panzer says, Don't sign a contract with these red flags.
Don't sign a contract with these red flags.
Panzer's second stop in the Catosphere today was at the Writer Beware (R) site. Our traveling kitty pilot always finds useful writer information there.
Victoria Strauss' post delves into an Australian publishing company called Shawline Publishing. The company advertises itself as a hybrid publisher. Shawline Publishing is being sued by several authors so the company simply changed its name. Under the new name, New Found Books, it's continuing to do business. The post contains examples of author contracts and book royalty complaints. The post also includes links to other information about this company and its practices.
Panzer says, "Victoria Strauss is definitely a bad guy's worst nightmare."
Note: This is a very long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to drink and snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Writer Beware Blog

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