Wednesday, September 4, 2024

NaNoWriMo and AI - Various

Panzer says, There's a lot of people unhappy right now.
There's a lot of people unhappy right now.
Today everywhere Panzer went he found posts about the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) organization and it's recently published stand on AI. Part of the problem NaNoWriMo caused was by the words and phrases used and part of it was accepting as a sponsor a company that uses a chatbot. There's more to the problems, so you'll need to read the posts below to get the information. (Sorry about the bad wordspro in some of the posts, but people are angry.)
 Panzer says, "Be sure to read the Comments sections for the posts that have them.."

Note:Here are some of the posts about the NaNoWriMo dust up. You'll need to decide about your own snacks.
To read a post tootle over to Pivot to AI
To read another post tootle over to Terribleminds 
To read another post tootle over to  Kevin's Corner
To read another post tootle over to Jacey Bedford

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