Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sweden's BookBeat Rides High on the Pandemic's Audiobook Boom - Publishing Perspectives

As Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere today, he heard clapping and cheering outside the Panzermobile. Since our traveling kitty boy is getting really, really tired of hearing only bad news every day, he followed all the jocularity outside to the Publishing Perspectives site.There he discovered a post about the Swedish audiobook listening app BookBeat.

Are you tired of this virus thingy too?
According to the post by Porter Anderson, Sweden's BookBeat subscriber numbers are skyrocketing on the heels of the coraonavirus (Covid-19) pandemic. Because of the pandemic lockdowns, people in Finland and Germany are flocking to the BookBeat subscription service app for their audiobook entertainment. BookBeat is a smartphone app for listening to audiobooks. The company's subscriber number has now hit 300,000 and is projected to continue to rise as the pandemic and lockdowns drag on. The last part of the post discusses the lack of commute time because of the lockdowns. This change in commute time has led to the loss of listeners for podcasts as listeners switch to audiobooks.

Panzer says, "MeWoW! 300,000! That's a lot of listeners!"

Note: This is a humongous length post. Bring a gallon of tea and twelve muffins for today's reading selection.

To read the post tootle over to BookBeat

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