Wednesday, August 30, 2023

73 Calls for Submissions in September 2023 - Paying markets - Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

Today, Panzer made a return trip to the Publishing ...and Other Forms of Insanity site. There he found a post about markets seeking submissions in September.

Panzer says, There are a lot of markets listed.
There are a lot of markets listed.
Erica Verrillo's post contains online and print publications needing submissions. There are markets for fiction and nonfiction, including flash fiction, short stories, novelettes, poetry, reviews, articles and more. You'll need to hurry with your submissions for some of these which have September 1, 2 and 3 deadlines.

Panzer says, "Be sure to go to the publications' sites because some of them have restrictions on submissions."

Note: Because of the descriptions of the guidelines for the submissions listed, this is a very long post. You'll need to decide what you want to bring to snack on while you read the guidelines.

To read the post tootle over to Calls for Submissions

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