Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Copyright Update: Internet Archive Injunction Leaves Some Concerns - Publishing Perspectives

Panzer says, Did it include indie authors?
Did it include indie authors?
Today, Panzer made a trip to the Publishing Perspectives site. There he found a followup post to Monday's post about the publishers and Internet Archive's court proposal.

According to Porter Anderson's post, not everyone is happy with the judge's decision regarding the proposal. Unlike others, the Authors Guild doesn't believe the judge went far enough in protecting all writers. The post includes links to other posts on the Publishing Perspectives site which contain information about the Internet Archive.

Panzer says, "All the way at the end of the post it does say the Internet Archive is also being sued by some of the record companies for copyright infringement."

Note: This is a long post. Bring a big glass of lemonade and two chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) to snack on while you read.

To read the post tootle over to Internet Archive injunction

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