Thursday, April 11, 2024

AI heats up as OpenAI, Google and Mistral release new models - The Guardian

Panzer says, No more interruptions. It's nap time.
No more interruptions. It's nap time.
Panzer didn't make it home from his trip to Publishers Weekly before another storm of clapping and cheering got him on a new adventure quest. This time he found himself led to The Guardian site. With no digging in the posts at all he found one about AI (Artificial Intelligence) was the cause of all the jubilation.

Alex Hern says in his post that during a twelve hour period OpenAI announced GPT-4 Turbo's release, Google announced Gemini Pro 1.5's release and Mistral announced Mixtral 8x22B's release. The post goes in,to more details about the releases and reactions to them. It's a long-medium length post, so there's a lot more information.

Panzer says, "Inquiring kitty minds want to know: If all three of them were in a chess match, who do you think would win?"
Note: When you get to The Guardian site, the popup ad isn't a paywall. It's asking for a donation to keep the site open. If you don't want to do a donation, click the "X" on the right hand side to disable the wall.
 To read the post tootle over to OpenAI Google and Mistral

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