Panzer picked out today's ebook
The Ballad of Jack Canvas by Evangeline Auld. It turns out it's definitely not what he thought it was! The book is described as a children's book, but for cat lovers of all ages and the tag line says it's told in verse. Well, my bad boy was really excited when he found it in the Kindle Store.
This is the story of a cat named Jack Canvas. He is a big, bad, black cat. (Sound familiar?) He is the big, bad, black cat king of all he surveys. (Sound familiar again?) Well, all the animals in his kingdom get together to try to figure out what to do about this big, bad, black cat.
N-o-o-o-o! |
In comes a ravishing beauty of a female cat who works for the F.C.I.A. (Fat Cats Investigation Agency). She says she'll solve all their problems. And she goes and does it! Right here is where poor Jack's life and his kingdom fell apart. And this is where Panzer got so scared he jumped off the back of the couch and ran away to hide!
I haven't seen Panzer for the last two hours so I don't know how many paws up he would give this ebook. But I give it four paws up just because now I have something to threaten him with when he takes the Panzermobile out without permission!
The Ballad of Jack Canvas is available at Amazon for the Kindle.
It's G rated (but not for big, bad, black cats!).