Panzer was shaken from his morning nap by clapping and cheering and crying and moaning. Following all the confusing noises took our sleepy kitty to the
Publishers Weekly site. There the top post about Amazon explained all the frenzy.
You already knew it, right? |
According to Jim Milliot, Amazon announced the choice of location(s) for their second headquarters (HQ2). Not surprisingly since there have been rumors flying for weeks, there will actually be two parts to the new HQ2. Half will be built in Long Island City, NY, with 25,000 employees there and half will be built in Arlington, VA, with 25,000 employees there. In addition, Amazon will have a smaller location in Nashville, TN, with 5,000 employees for their operations business center. Why two locations for HQ2? Because each location will give the company large tax incentives to build there.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... All that wait time for what was one of the worst kept secrets ever ... You know, by now it's not even news."
Note: This is a short-medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and half a muffin for today's reading selection.
To read the post tootle over to
Amazon HQ2