We knew it was coming. |
Today, as Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere he decided to make a short trip to the
Publishers Weekly site. With no digging in the posts at all our adventuresome kitty found one about Barnes and Noble.
According to the post by
Publishers Weekly's Jim Milliot, the Barnes and Noble sale to Elliott Advisors is now final. In a $683 million deal Elliott Advisors is now the sole owner of Barnes and Noble. Elliott paid $6.50 per share to stock holders to procure ownership. The bookstore chain is now a privately held/owned company.
Elliott Advisors does admit they plan to sell Barnes and Noble after making some changes and updates to the bookstores.
There are several links to previous posts about the sale and interviews included in the post.
Panzer says, "This little kitty wants to know what's going to happen to Barnes and Noble's Nook and the ebook publishing and sales online sites."
Note: This is a long-medium length post. Bring a cup of lemonade and a big bowl of ice cream for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow all the links, bring a thermos of lemonade, an even bigger bowl of ice cream and a muffin.
To read the post tootle over to
Elliott Advisors