Today as Panzer was napping, he was tossed from his bed by yelling and booing coming from the Catosphere. Our poor discombobulated kitty boy could hardly stand on the shaking floor. Staggering into the Panzermobile, Panzer attempted to find the source of all the noise. He discovered it was coming from two places. One was a post from
The Guardian site and the second was a post from the
BookRiot site. Both posts were about the attempt by the state of Missouri to pass what many see as a book banning law.
I don't like puppy books. Let's ban them. |
According to
The Guardian's post by Alison Flood, the Missouri House Bill No 2044 would allow a panel of Missouri parents to determine what books a library could allow
children to check out. If a librarian doesn't obey the panel's orders, the librarian is subject to a fine or time in jail. Every library in Missouri would be required to have a panel, but not have any say in the panel's work.
BookRiot post by Kelly Jensen, delves into the de-funding of libraries who don't comply with the proposed law. The post also quotes extensively from the proposed law. While the proposal does speak to material of a
sexual nature, it could be applied to any book the special panel deems unacceptable for children. In this way any book could be banned by the panel.
Panzer says, "Umm ... A human is a child until they are 18 years old. ... So ... The panel decides what they can read until then?"
Note: Each of these posts is medium length. Bring two cups of warm cocoa and two muffins for today's reading selections.
To read The Guardian post tootle over to
To read the BookRiot post tootle over to
Missouri public libraries