Can I stay awake that long? |
Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when he stumbled across news from an online crime writing author's festival. Today is the first day of the online festival BritCrime. It will run July 15 - 17. There will be interviews with writers, discussions about techniques and a contest. You
will need to sign up (at the festival) for Blab for the live broadcasts; but, if you don't have it (or don't want it), you can read the interviews, watch some short videos, and some replays.
Panzer says, "No Blab for this kitty's Mom's Twitter account. "
Note: This will be a long three day event. Bring three thermoses of tea, two dozen muffins, a dozen cupcakes, your sleeping bag, and a pillow for the online festival.
To attend, tootle over to