Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when the Panzermobile was shaken and buffeted by the roar of crying and screaming. Following all the ruckus took our brave kitty to the
Publishing Perspectives site. With a little digging he discovered all the noise was caused by a post about the Association of American Publishers (AAP) and the Internet Archive's 'Open Library'. Panzer has been posting about the Internet Archive's copyright infringement practices for weeks now.
According to the post by Porter Anderson, the Association of American Publishers has joined the various writers' organizations and individual authors in the condemnation of the Internet Archive's 'Open Library's' continued copyright infringement practices. In addition, the UK's Society of Authors is encouraging it's members to write letters to the foundations supplying funds to the Internet Archive and complain about the illegal practice. The post lists the Association of American Publishers, the UK's Society of Authors, the US's Authors Guild, Writers Union of Canada, and the Australian Society of Authors as groups protesting the Internet Archive's copyright infringement practice. The post includes links to the different organizations' sites for more information about their protest efforts.
Why do humans think it's okay to steal? |
Panzer says, "If enough groups and authors protest against this copyright infringement practice, maybe we can all stop the Internet Archive."
Note: This is a humongous giant post. Bring a gallon of tea and one and a half dozen muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow all of the links included in the post, also bring a gallon of cocoa and another dozen muffins and a sleeping bag for a nap too.
To read the post tootle over to
Association of American Publishers
To read Panzer's post about the Association of Publishers Press Release (go to the top of the page when you get there) tootle over to
AAP Press Release
To read Panzer's post about the Writers' Union of Canada (go to the top of the page when you get there) tootle over to
Writers Union of Canada
To read Panzer's post about the Authors Guild and the Society of Authors (go to the top of the page when you get there) tootle over to
Authors Guild and Society of Authors