Panzer was shaken from his nap in his kitty bed by crying and moaning coming from the Catosphere. Hopping in the Panzermobile, our brave kitty followed all the noise to the
Publishing Perspectives site. There he learned the sad news about the London Book Fair.
According to Porter Anderson's post, this month's London Book Fair has been cancelled due to the coronavirus (Covid-19). As publishers were withdrawing, travel restrictions were being imposed and more cases of the virus were being reported in the UK, Reed Exhibitions decided to cancel the Book Fair. The UK government declared coronavirus a 'notifiable disease' so the Book Fair's losses will be covered by insurance. There are several links in the post.
Don't worry. It won't be you. It'll be grandma. |
Panzer says, "I heard Mom tell
What's His Name she heard some guy on the television say 80 percent of the people who get that virus thingy hardly get sick at all. The other 20 percent get really, really sick and a lot of them die. The guy said not to worry about it though. Because ... the 80 percent are 60 years and younger and the 20 percent are over 60 years old. ... Hmm ... Don't worry. ... Because ... It's just those grandmas and grandpas that will be gone."
Note: This is a humongous post. Bring a gallon of tea and twelve muffins for today's reading. If you plan to follow all the links, bring another gallon of tea, twelve more muffins and a sleeping bag for a nap in the middle of your reading.
To read the post tootle over to
London Book Fair