As Panzer was taking his afternoon nap he shaken from his kitty bed by crying and shouting coming from the Catosphere. Our brave kitty boy hopped in the Panzermobile to discover the source of the trouble. Following all the noise took him to the
Publishing Perspectives site. There he found a post about the plight of writers in the European Union (EU).
According to Porter Anderson's post, writers and translators in the the EU are suffering large uncompensated financial losses. The European Writers' Council just released a report about the financial situation of the 150,000 writers and translators the group represents.
I'm glad I have a second job as a cat. |
The financial losses are due to several factors, including changed or cancelled book publication dates, postponed translations, cancelled prizes and grants, cancelled or moved online speaking engagements and other related writing activities from which writers and translators gain financial payments. Unlike other "businesses," freelance writers and translators are not receiving any type of government compensation to replace these losses. Several links to other writing and publishing information are included in the post as well as a link to download a pdf copy of the European Writers' Council's report.
Panzer says, "It's not any different here in the U.S."
Note: This is a long post. Bring a large cup of tea and two muffins for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links, bring a thermos of tea and seven muffins.
To read the post tootle over to
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