Monday, March 10, 2025

A Monday Panzerism

Panzer on how to tell when you've had enough catnip:
 1. Try this test: You know how sometimes color makes noise and the noise floats around like a rainbow? 
If you don't see it yet ... Then you haven't had enough.
2. Try this test: Count from zero to one by whole numbers.
If you keep losing your place and have to keep starting over ... Either that''s enough ... or ... You need a nap.
Panzer says, It's never enough.
It's never enough.*
3. Finally ... Try this test:  Roll around in a pile of catnip.
And ... If suddenly this thing appears behind you ... And ... Starts following you everywhere you go ... Oh! ... Wait! ... That tail thingy has nothing to do with catnip. ... Keep rolling.
* From Cat Wisdom for humans

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle: I'm waiting. Where's my treat?

I'm waiting. Where's my treat?
Here's your Sunday puzzle.
As always, at the puzzle site remember to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.
See how fast you can finish this one.
Have fun!
To do the puzzle tootle over to jigsaw puzzle

Free Classic Mystery Movie: A Life At Stake

Panzer says, For all my work you owe me some of that popcorn.
For all my work you owe me some of that popcorn.
Panzer found this classic noir movie on the Timeless Classic Movies channel on Youtube.
A Life At Stake is a black and white 1954 noir drama. It's 1 hour 14 minutes long.
You know the drill: Grab your favorite beverage, make some popcorn and settle down to enjoy this old time classic movie.
To watch the movie tootle over to Classic Noir Movie

Free BBC Radio Drama: What Deadly Secret Hides in Philomel Cottage?

Panzer says, Now, to find a movie.
Now, to find a movie.
Here's a BBC Drama Panzer found on the Boundless Audiobooks channel on Youtube.
What Deadly Secret Hides in Philomel Cottage? was written by Agatha Christie. It's 28 minutes long.
Find a comfortable place to relax and enjoy this thriller.
To listen to the drama tootle over to Agatha Christie

Free Cozy Mystery Audiobook: Night Shift Witch

Panzer says, Any book with a cat on the cover has my vote.
Any book with a cat on the cover has my vote.
If you like mysteries with witches (Hey! There's a cat on the cover. What's not to like?), Panzer found this one on the author's channel on Youtube.
Night Shift Witch is written by Cate Lawley. It's narrated by April Dodie and 3 hours 30 minutes long.

Make a pot of tea, find a comfortable place to relax, and enjoy this cozy mystery.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Cozy Mystery

Free Short Mystery Railway Detective Story:Sir Gilbert Murrell's Picture

Panzer says, It's a real puzzle. See the comments there after you listen.
It's a real puzzle. See the comments there after you listen.
If you like your mystery short, Panzer found this one on the Bitesized Audio Classics channel on Youtube.
The classic mystery Sir Gilbert Murrell's Picture was written by Victor L. Whitechurch. It's narrated by Simon Stanhope and is 32 minutes long.
Find a comfy place to sit and see if you can solve the mystery before the detective.
To listen to the audio tootle over to Bitesized Audio Classic

Friday, March 7, 2025

Free Cozy Mystery Audiobook: The Inspector and Mrs. Jeff

Panzer says, That's it for tonight.
That's it for tonight.
If you like your mystery with lots of clues, Panzer found this one on the Cozy Crime Corner channel on Youtube.
The Inspector and Mrs. Jeff is written by Emily Brightwell. It's read by Darren Edwards and 6 hours 30 minutes long.
Make a cup of tea, find a comfortable place to relax and enjoy this mystery.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to mystery audiobook

Free Podcast for Mystery Writers (and Readers): The Mystery Short Story

Panzer says, I'll bet you want more.
I'll bet you want more.
If you're a short story writer, mystery short stories in particular, Panzer found this podcast for you.
The Mystery Short Story Shedunnit Podcast episode includes examples from short stories and examinations of the stories. There's a list of the books and stories mentioned below the episode.
Find a comfy spot to relax and listen to this episode.
 Note: The episode does have advertisements.
To listen to the podcast tootle over to Shedunnit Podcast

Free Clean Romance Audiobook: Heartwood Sea

Panzer says, Let's see what I'll find next.
Let's see what I'll find next.
If you like your romance clean, Panzer found this one at the Feel Good Fiction channel on Youtube.
The beach romance, Heartwood Sea, is written by Elana Johnson. It's narrated by Anne Marie Lewis and 4 hours 19 minutes long.
Grab a blanket, get comfortable and enjoy this romance.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Elana Johnson

Thursday, March 6, 2025

We can't neglect the Barrys and Thrillers - The Rap Sheet

Panzer says, So much to read and so little time.
So much to read and so little time.
Panzer made a quick stop at The Rap Sheet site. There he found a post about the Barry Awards and the Thriller Awards.
J. Kingston Pierce's post lists all the nominees in each of the categories for both the Barry Awards and the Thriller Awards.
Panzer says, "There are a lot of books and short stories on those lists to read before the awards are announced."
Note: This is a long-medium length post. Bring a cup of tea, a brownie  and two chocolate chip cookies (biscuits) to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Barry Awards and Thriller Awards

B&N Workers Ratify First Union Contracts at NYC Stores - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, Two years. That's a long time.
Two years. That's a long time
Today, Panzer's catnap was interrupted by clapping and cheering coming from the Catosphere. Jumping in the Panzermobile, our cute little kitty boy followed all the celebratory noises to the Publishers Weekly site. There he found a post about Barnes and Noble's New York City bookstores' union was what was causing all the celebrating..
According to Ed Nawolka's post, three NYC Barnes and Noble bookstore employees have ratified contracts. The post includes links to other information about the union and the Barnes and Noble's contract negotiations.

Panzer says, "The post says it took two years to get to the contract vote."
Note: This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and a muffin to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Barnes and Noble Workers

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

The 30th Annual Audie Awards: 28 Category Winners - Publishing Perspectives

Panzer says, I wish they let cats narrate their own books.
I wish they let cats narrate their own books.
Today, as Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere, he heard clapping and cheering outside the Panzermobile. Following all the hoopla took our inquisitive kitty boy to the Publishing Perspectives site. There he discovered news about the Audie Awards.
According to Porter Anderson's post, the Audie Awards were presented yesterday in New York. The Audie Awards are presented to the best narrator/reader in each of 28 categories. The list of winners is at the end of the post and some of them might surprise you.
Panzer says, "There's even a short story collection category."
Note: This is a long post. You'll need a big cup of cocoa (Mom's got a 20 ounce cup for her cocoa) and a big chocolate muffin with chocolate chips and chocolate frosting (Mom says you can never have enough chocolate) all to snack on while you read.
To read the Audie Award winners tootle over to Annual Audie Awards Winners

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

114 Calls for Submissions in March 2025 - Paying markets - Publishing ... and Other Forms of insanity

Panzer says, There's a market for everybody's work there.
There's a market for everybody's work there.
Panzer's second stop today was at the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity site. With a little digging in the posts he found one about sites accepting submissions this month.

Erica Verrillo's list contains only markets that pay for accepted submissions. There are markets for fiction, short stories, flash fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Be sure to read the submission guidelines.

Panzer says, "The post is from the end of February so some of the submission deadlines have past."
Note: This is a humongous post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Calls for Submissions

Why Cheap Promo is No Bargain: One Unusually Prolific Example - Writer Beware (R)

Panzer says, Investigate before you give somebody your money.
Investigate before you give somebody your money.
Today, Panzer stopped in at the Writer Beware (R) site. With a little digging in the posts he found one about cheap promotion sites for books.
Writer Beware (R) site owner Victoria Strausss begins the post by showing how a book promo site is sending letters supposedly from a well known writer about what a great promo site it is for writers. The post then digs into who owns the promo site (and a multitude of others) and what happens once they get your money.
Panzer says, "The end of the post has a checklist of things to do before you give your money to any promotion site."
Note: Because Victoria Strauss goes into details about all of her investigations into the promo site, this is a very long post. You'll need to decide what you want to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Writer Beware (R)

Monday, March 3, 2025

A Monday Panzerism

No saddle needed.*
Panzer on equestrian skills:
I am not scratching the furniture ...
I am learning how to ride the couch without a saddle.
*From Cat Wisdom for humans

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle: How many cats do you see?

How many cats do you see?
Here's your Sunday puzzle.
As always, remember at the puzzle site to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.
This one is the hardest so far. See how fast you can finish it.
Have fun!
To do the puzzle tootle over to cat puzzle

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Free Classic Noir Movie: The Sleeping Tiger

Panzer says, Remember to save me some popcorn.
Remember to save me some popcorn.
Panzer found this movie on the Cult Cinema Classics channel on Youtube.
The Sleeping Tiger is a 1954 black and white thriller movie. It's 1 hour 28 minutes long.
Make some popcorn, grab your beverage of choice and enjoy the movie.
To watch the movie tootle over to Noir Thriller Movie

Free BBC Radio Mystery Drama:The Poisoned Chocolates Case

Panzer says, I love listening to a good British mystery.
I love listening to a good British mystery.
Panzer found this British radio drama on the Radio Drama channel on Youtube.
The Poisoned Chocolates Case is a 1929 murder mystery. The old time radio show is 1 hour 25 minutes long.
Make a pot of tea and find a place to relax and see if you can solve the murder mystery before the end of the radio drama.
To listen to the audio tootle over to BBC Radio Drama.

Free Clean Mail Order Bride Romance Audiobook: Finding A Mother For Rosie

Panzer says, Let's see what else I can find now.
Let's see what else I can find now.
Here's an historical western romance Panzer found on the author's channel on Youtube.
Finding A Mother For Rosie is written by Emma Ashwood. It's 2 hours 9 minutes long. 

Make a pot of tea, find a comfy place to enjoy this clean romance.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Mail Order Bride

Free Regency Romance Novella Audiobook: My Lady, Will You Dance?

Panzer says, Today was a bad day. I just want to sleep and forget it.
Today was a bad day. I just want to sleep and forget it.
If you like your romances short, Panzer found this one at the author's channel on Youtube.

 Christmas regency romance novella My Lady, Will You Dance? is written by Sofi Laporte. It's 4 hours long.
Make a pot of tea, find a comfy spot to relax and enjoy this romance.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Sofi Laporte

Friday, February 28, 2025

Free Cozy Mystery Short Story Audiobook: Critter Calamity

Panzer says, Witches and mysteries?
Witches and mysteries?
If you like your cozy mysteries short, Panzer found this one on the author's channel on Youtube.
The wisteria witches mystery Critter Calamity is written by Angela Pepper. It's narrated by Tiffany Williams and 1 hour 42 minutes long.
Make a pot of tea, find a comfortable place and enjoy the mystery.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Angela Pepper

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Analog, Asimov's, and F&SF Under New Ownership - Locus

Panzer says, Will they keep the same submission guidelines?
Will they keep the same submission guidelines?
Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when he decided to make a stop at the Locus (Magazine) site. There our intrepid traveling kitty boy found a startling post about three science fiction magazines and two mystery magazines.
According to the post, Analog, Asimov's, and Fantasy and Science Fiction magazines have been acquired by 1 Paragraph, Inc./Must Read Magazines. At the end of the post it says Alfred Hitchcock Mystery Magazine and Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine have also been acquired by the same company.
Panzer says, "Hmm ... All five short story markets will be owned by the same company." 

Note: This is a very short post. If you get a pop down ad when you arrive at the site, it is not a paywallL. Click the "X" in the upper right corner of the box to continue reading.
To read the post tootle over to Analog, Asimov's and F&SF

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

35 Magnificent Writing Conferences and Workshops in March 2025 - Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity

Panzer says, I need a long nap after that trip to the vet.
I need a long nap after that trip to the vet.
Today after Panzer went to the vet for his annual check-up, our traveling kitty made a quick trip to the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity site. There he found a post about writing conferences and workshops.
 In the post Erica Verrillo lists 35 conferences and workshops which happen in March. They range from one day to five weeks long. Some are in-person and some are online and some are even free to attend.

Panzer says, "Some have strict attendee limits so be sure to read the guidelines."
Note: With information about thirty-five conferences and workshops this is long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Writing Conferences and Workshops

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

77 Free Writing Contests in March 2025 - No entry fees

Panzer says, "There are at least five I'd like to enter. How about you?
There are at least five I'd like to enter. How about you?
Today's trip into the Catosphere took Panzer to the Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity site. There our adventuresome kitty pilot found a post about writing contests in March.
Erica Verrillo's list has 77 writing contests and they cover every type of writing: fiction, short stories and novels, nonfiction, poetry and plays. And, they're all free to enter.
Panzer says, "With 77 contests there really is something for everyone."
Note: With all the contests this is a long, long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to  77 Free Writing Contests .

Monday, February 24, 2025

A Monday Panzerism

 Panzer on human indecisiveness:
Mom is always saying to be a good kitty.
I wish she'd make up her mind. 
Panzer says, You can't have both.
You can't have both.
Which is it ...

*From Cat Wisdom for humans

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle:Did you see that?

Did you see that?
Here's your Sunday puzzle.
As always, remember at the puzzle site you can click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.
This one is the hardest one we've done so far.
Have fun!
To do the puzzle tootle over to Did you see that?

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Free Classic Noir Movie: The Lost Moment

Panzer says, Don't know if I can sleep. This one is a little scary.
Don't know if I can sleep. This one is a little scary.
Here's the classic crime movie Panzer found for you on the DK Classics II channel on Youtube.
The Lost Moment is a black and white 1947 thriller movie. It's 1 hour 28 minutes long.
Grab your beverage of choice, make some popcorn and enjoy the movie.
To watch the movie tootle over to The Lost Moment

Free Author's Post at Trace Evidence:It's All One: Music, Stage, and Words on the Page

Panzer says, Now ... I'll find a mystery movie for you.
Now ... I'll find a mystery movie for you.

If you're a fan of read about how writers became writers, Panzer found this post at the Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine's (AHMM) Trace Evidence.
There Steve Liskow gives an in-depth description of his life and the influences that shaped him and led to his writing of novels and short stories.
Have fun reading about it.
To read the post tootle over to Steve Liskow

Free Regency Romance Audiobook: The Forgotten Duke

Panzer says, Time to find a mystery for you.
Time to find a mystery for you.
If you like your romance with a little mystery, Panzer found this one at the author's Youtube channel.
The Forgotten Duke is written by Sofi Laporte. It's narrated by Stevie Zimmermann and 8 hours 6 minutes long.
You might want to find a comfortable place to listen to this audiobook, because you'll want to pay attention to the plot to solve the puzzle.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to The Forgotten Duke

Friday, February 21, 2025

Free Cozy Mystery Audiobook: One Drops Dead

Panzer says, Tomorrow will be better than today. There's always hope.
Tomorrow will be better than today. There's always hope.
If you like your cozy mystery with a little bit of spooky stuff included, Panzer found this audiobook on the author's channel on Youtube.
The mystery One Drops Dead is written and narrated by Josephine Beintema. It's 2 hours 57 minutes long.
Make a cup of tea, find a comfy place to relax, and listen to this cozy mystery. (It does have a cat.)
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to cozy mystery audiobook

Free Clean Romance Audiobook: Finding Cupid

Panzer says, I'll see what else I can find now.
I'll see what else I can find now.

It's a little late but here's a Valentine's Day clean romance Panzer found on the author's channel on Youtube
The billionaire romance Finding Cupid is written by B.E. Baker. It's narrated by JenniferJill Araya and 8 hours 4 minutes long.
Find a comfortable place to relax and enjoy this romance.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to clean romance audiobook.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Kristin Lana Named Head of Global Audible Book Aquisition - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, It's been a hard week here.
It's been a hard week here.
Here's a press release Panzer found at the Publishers Weekly site.
Panzer says, "The headline gives most of the information you'll find in the press release."
Note: The press release is very, very short. You won't need anything to snack on while you read it.
To read the post tootle over to Audible

So Much for That Hiatus - The Rap Sheet

Panzer says, You never know what I might find in the Catosphere.
You never know what I might find in the Catosphere.
Today, Panzer made a stop at The Rap Sheet site. There with just a tiny bit of digging he found a post about the resurrection of a criminal poetry site which shut down in 2023.
According to J. Kingston Pierce's post, The Five-Two is open for submissions again. The post includes links to the submission guidelines and other information about the site.
Panzer says, "Sounds like it might be fun to try."
Note: This is a shortish length post. Bring a cup of tea to drink while you read the post and a muffin if you plan to follow the links."
To read the post tootle over to The Rap Sheet

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

'Reading is part of my identity':the woman taking on the Goodreads owner Amazon - The Guardian

Panzer says, Ready to leave Goodreads?
Ready to leave Goodreads?
When Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere today, he decided to stop at The Guardian site.  There with just a little digging he found a post about The StoryGraph platform.
David Barnett's post is an in-depth look at the StoryGraph platform from it's inception to today. Most of the post is told through quotes from founder Nadia Odunayo.
Panzer says, "The Guardian does not have a paywall when you log on to read. If the ad comes on when you arrive, click the 'X' to continue reading." 

Note: This is a very long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to The StoryGraph

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Amazon killing a feature that let you download and backup Kindle books - The Verge

Panzer says, You've got one week to take care of your ebooks.
 You've got one week to take care of your ebooks.
Panzer stopped in at The Verge site today. There with a little digging in the posts our intrepid kitty traveler found one about an Amazon change to purchasing and downloading ebooks.
According to a post by Andrew Liszewski, Amazon is doing away with their feature to download and backup your ebook purchases. You'll need to get your wi-fi set up very soon.
Panzer says, "As an Amazon user you should be prepared, because the company  is always changing something."
Note: This is a long post. You'll need to decide what you want to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Amazon

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Your Free Jigsaw Puzzle: Every day is Valentine's Day for me.

Every day is Valentine's Day for me.
Here's your Sunday jigsaw puzzle.
As always, at the puzzle site remember to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.
This puzzle is the hardest one so far.
Have fun!
To do the puzzle tootle over to Every day is Valentine's Day for me.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Free Classic Mystery Movie: The Thief

Panzer says, See you for jigsaw puzzle day tomorrow.
See you for jigsaw puzzle day tomorrow.
Panzer found this crime drama movie on the Retro Movies channel on YouTube.
This black and white 1942 film noir movie The Thief is 1 hour 26 minutes long.
Make some popcorn, grab your beverage of choice and find a comfy place to relax and enjoy the movie.
To watch the movie tootle over to classic noir movie

Free Classic Murder Mystery Audiobook: The "Canary" Murder Case

Panzer says, An extra murder mystery audiobook for you.
An extra murder mystery audiobook for you.
If you're a detective Philo Vance mystery fan, Panzer found this one on the Storytime Haven channel on YouTube.
The "Canary" Murder Case was written by S.S. Van Dine. It's 8 hours 30 minutes long.
This one might be long enough it'll take a day or two of listening to finish it.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Philo Vance Mystery

Free Classic Mystery Audio: The Red-Headed League

Panzer says, There's more fun stuff to find for you.
There's more fun stuff to find for you.

If you like Sherlock Holmes mysteries, Panzer found this one at the Bitesized Audio Classics channel on YouTube.
The classic Sherlock Holmes mystery was written by Arthur Conan Doyle. It's narrated by Simon Stanhope and 59 minutes long.
Find a comfy place to relax and enjoy this classic.
 To listen to the audio tootle over to Sherlock Holmes Mystery

Free Regency Romance Audiobook: To Have and to Hold

Panzer says, I'll see what else I can find for you now.
I'll see what else I can find for you now.
If you like regency romances, Panzer found this one on the author's channel on YouTube.
The marriage of convenience audiobook To Have and to Hold was written by M.A. Nichols. It's 7 hours 41 minutes long.

This romance is long enough you can listen to it while you do errands or chores around the house.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Regency Romance

Friday, February 14, 2025

Free Cozy Mystery Audiobook:Pink Sprinkled Murder

Panzer says, See you tomorrow.
See you tomorrow.
Here's your cozy mystery Panzer found on the author's channel on YouTube.
The murder mystery Pink Sprinkled Murder is written by Rosie A. Point. It's 2 hours 20 minutes long.
Make a cup of tea, find a comfy place to relax and see if you can solve the murder before the end of the sudiobook.
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Cozy Mystery

Free Crime Fiction Radio Drama: Cover Her Face

If you like your mystery as a radio drama, Panzer found this one on the Old Time Radio channel on YouTube.
The Adam Dalgliesh mystery Cover Her Face was written by P.D. James. It's 1 hour 58 minutes long.
Find a comfortable place to enjoy this classic mystery.
To listen to the radio drama tootle over to P.D. James

Free Christian Romance Audiobook: Life In A Small Town

Panzer says, Off to look for a mystery next.
Off to look for a mystery next.
If you like Christian romance audiobooks, Panzer found this one on the author's channel on Youtube.
The small town romance Life In A Small Town is written by Lovana Hoopes. It's 3 hours 11 minutes long.
This is a shortish romance. Find a comfortable place to relax and enjoy the romance..
To listen to the audiobook tootle over to Small Town Romance

Valentine's Day

Panzer, Mom and What's His Name


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Will the Diamond Bankruptcy Change the Comics Business Forever? - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, A bankruptcy is never a good thing.
A bankruptcy is never a good thing.
Today, Panzer found a post at the Publishers Weekly Daily site about the Diamond bankruptcy. 
If you're a comic books or graphic novels lover, you probably already know Diamond Comics Distributor filed for bankruptcy in January. Heidi MacDonald's post has quotes from several comic publishers and bookstore owners about how they're planning to deal with the bankruptcy fallout. Diamond distributed not only comics and graphic novels, but toys, games and collectibles too. The post includes links to other information about the bankruptcy.
Panzer says, "Mom said a few years ago a magazine distributor went bankrupt and some magazines went bankrupt because the distributor didn't pay them their money."
Note: This is a very long, long post. You'll need to decide what to bring to snack on while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Diamond Comics Distributor Bankruptcy

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Publishers See Mixed Messages in Paris AI Summit - Publishers Weekly

Panzer says, Why did they expect something different?
Why did they expect something different?
Today, Panzer found some news at the Publishers Weekly site about the Paris AI Summit. Yesterday, he told you about the International Publishers Association signing on the statement before the Summit.
Jim Milliot's post quotes Maria Pallante CEO of the Association of American Publishers. The Summit did not address the issue of the unauthorized use of copyrighted material.
Panzer says, "Doesn't surprise this little kitty."
Note: This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of cocoa to drink while you read the post.
To read the post tootle over to Paris AI Summit 

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

IPA Joines an International Statement on the Paris AI Summit - Publishing Perspectives

Panzer says, I wonder what they'll decide to do this time.
I wonder what they'll decide to do this time.
Panzer found this post at the Publishing Perspectives site. This is about an international AI summit to be held in Paris. The IPA mentioned in the post title is the International Publishers Association.
The post by Porter Anderson explains the statement which was signed by 38 of the organizations who will be present at the Summit. The post includes the statement.
Panzer says, "This little kitty doesn't see much difference from what everyone has said before."
Note: Including the statement makes this a medium length post. Bring a glass of lemonade or a cup of cocoa (depending on what the weather is doing outside) to drink while you read.
To read the post tootle over to Paris AI Summit

Monday, February 10, 2025

A Monday Panzerism

 Panzer on learning new skills:
I heard What's His Name telling Mom he's going to teach me how to clean my own litter box.
Well ...
I've got some breaking news for him ...
Panzer says, It's simple. I don't want to.
It's simple. I just don't want to.
We cats already know how to clean our litter boxes.
But ...
Why should we ...
When we've taught our humans to do it for us?
*From Cat Wisdom for humans

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Your Free Sunday Jigsaw Puzzle: How many do you see?

How many do you see?
Here's your Sunday jigsaw puzzle.
As usual, remember to click the square in the lower left corner to see the finished puzzle.
Have fun!
To do the puzzle tootle over to How many do you see?

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Free Classic Mystery Movie: Meet Boston Blackie

Panzer says, Tomorrow is another day. It can only get better.
Tomorrow is another day. It can only get better.
For those of you who like old mystery movies Panzer found this one on the Onesmedia channel.
The classic movie Meet Boston Blackie was made in 1941. It's a black and white murder mystery spy movie.
Grab your beverage of choice, make some popcorn and enjoy the movie.
To watch the movie tootle over to Boston Blackie
