Panzer was tootling around in the Catosphere when he heard clapping and cheering outside the Panzermobile. Following all the hullabaloo took our inquisitive kitty to the
Publishers Weekly site. With no digging at all he found the post about the Audible Captions lawsuit that was causing all the noise. Panzer has been telling you about this lawsuit since it started.
It had to end that way. |
According to the post by Andrew Albanese, the lawsuit by the American Association (AAP) against Amazon's Audible's Captions feature has been settle. Audible has requested the settlement agreement be sealed by the court. This means nobody can see the settlement except Audible and the American Association of Publishers members involved in the lawsuit. However, the
Publishers Weekly post contains information from the proposed permanent injunction filed with the court which isn't under seal. According to that information Audible won't be using their Captions feature on any AAP members material without the copyright holders permission. There are several links included in the post to other information and to previous posts about the lawsuits. One of the links goes to the proposed settlement from which the post gets some of its information.
Panzer says, "The
Publishers Weekly post has some other interesting information toward the end too."
This is a medium length post. Bring a cup of tea and a muffin for today's reading selection. If you plan to follow the links in the post, bring a gallon of tea and eight muffins.
To read the post, tootle over to
To read Panzer's last post about the lawsuit, tootle over to